Patient Satisfaction & Loyalty

Create a Culture of Caring

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Putting Employees First was the Healthy Choice for Atlantic Health System

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St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital CEO: Generating employee pride and purpose

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How to Build a Great Workplace in Healthcare


Does your healthcare organization promote a culture of caring?

In the healthcare industry, many employees find very special meaning in caring for people’s well­-being and saving lives. It is a noble calling—and in many cases, patient satisfaction metrics reflect the human connection and care that come with it.

On the other hand, it is also very common in healthcare to observe compassion fatigue among healthcare workers, nurses especially. Healthcare organizations must also navigate profitability, funding, resource availability, changing regulations, consolidation, and many other factors that can impact the employee experience. Unfortunately, many of these factors can detract from an employee’s ability to provide the best patient care at all times.

Great Place to Work’s partnerships with numerous healthcare organizations over the years have helped our clients to create high­-trust cultures that allow employees to do what they do best: provide excellent care to patients.

Partnering with Great Place to Work® to build a high­-trust, high­-performance culture helps you build a culture of excellent patient care, as:
  • Top talent wants to join and build a career at your organization
  • Leaders and managers encourage practices of care and resilience for employees
  • Onboarding and development practices throughout the organization are focused on helping people provide the best care to patients
  • People work collaboratively within and across departments, with strong teamwork
  • Patient satisfaction results reflect consistent excellence
Organizations work with us to:
  • Understand how employee experiences compare across demographics and groups, and to the Best Workplaces in Healthcare
  • Correlate employee experiences with patient satisfaction results, and identify key drivers
  • Support leaders and managers in responding to results and increasing trust with their teams
  • Set improvement goals and measure progress
  • Learn the leadership mindset and best practices that lead to a sustainable, high­-trust culture and excellent patient care

Contact us today to learn how you can build a high-trust, high-performance culture.

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