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Driving a Great Organizational Culture

Week in Review: Building Great Workplace Cultures and a Look at an Interesting Practice

The conversation on organizational culture continues to thrive with more and more leaders coming out to say what they believe a great organizational culture is, how it is achieved, and what culture helps their businesses to achieve.  For our Week in Review, we’re highlighting two articles from such leaders:

The first article is an interview with Phil Libin, CEO of Mountain View-based, Evernote, on his personal journey from tech geek to CEO, including some of the challenges and light bulb moments he had along the way to building a noteworthy organizational culture. 

Next, is a piece written by Michele Hunt, former Corporate VP For People at Herman Miller, on the role of the executive leaders, including the HR leader, in shaping a workplace culture where all stakeholders are aligned on mission, vision, values, and goals.  Currently, a workplace culture consultant, Michele shares her first hand experiences in shaping culture at a Best Company to Work For.

Finally, I need to throw this in because it’s an interesting idea and I want to know what you think about it.  Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal took an in-depth look at a unique practice at a small start-up called Coffee&Power.  The company distributed 1,200 stock options to its 15 employees, with the stipulation that they give all of their shares away to fellow employees (not including the founders).  This practice, and other instances like it, place the act of recognizing and appreciating squarely in the hands of employees, instead of in those of managers who can often be disconnected from the day-to-day realities of how work gets done. 

Check it out and let me know what you think?  Does the idea make you personally cringe?  Do you think this could work at your organization?

Leslie Caccamese serves as Senior Strategic Marketing Manager with Great Place to Work® Institute.

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